Friday, November 11, 2011
ALL Results in CY2111 1st sem anna university chemistry question bank. –ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY –I QUESTION BANK (COMMON TO FIRST YR – ALL BRANCHES)
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1. Differentiate hard water and soft water.
2. Define hardness.
3. What are the types of hardness? Differentiate them.
4. What are the tests for hardness?
5. Why hardness is expressed in CaCO3 equivalent?
6. What is EDTA? Write its structure?
7. What is the principle behind EDTA titration?
8. What is alkalinity? What are the possible reasons for alkalinity?
9. Give any four requirements for potable water?
10. What is boiler feed water? What are the basic requirements?
11. What are boiler problems? Name any 4 boiler problems?
12. Differentiate scales and sludge?
13. What is caustic embrittlement? How will you prevent it?
14. What is carry over? How will you prevent it?
15. What are the reasons for boiler corrosion?
16. What are boiler compounds?
17. How calgon conditioning is superior than other methods?
18. Why phosphate conditioning is preferred over carbonate conditioning?
19. What are the chemicals used for regeneration of ion exchange resins?
20. Give the name of membranes used in reverse osmosis process?
21. Give the advantages of RO process and ion exchange process?
22. What is break point chlorination? What is its significance?
23. What is disinfection? What are the different methods of disinfection?
24. Why a soft water need not be demineralised water but a DM is always soft water.
25. Give two examples for Cation exchange and anion exchange resins?
1. How the alkalinity of a water sample is estimated volumetrically?
2. Explain the aim, principle, procedure, calculation involved in EDTA method?
3. Write a note of boiler problems?
4. What is ion exchange method? Explain the concept.
5. What is reverse osmosis? Bring out the methodology behind it.
6. How will you treat the water for drinking purpose?
7. What are boiler compounds? How are they used in internal water treatment?
1. Define polymerization.
2. Define monomers and polymers.
3. Define degree of polymerization.
4. Give any four differences between addition and condensation polymerization.
5. What is copolymerization? What is co-polymer?
6. What are the three steps involved in free radical mechanism?
7. Define plastics. How can they be classified?
8. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages
9. Give four differences between engineering and commodity plastics.
10. Give any four differences between thermo and thermosetting plastics.
11. What are the uses of PVC and Teflon?
12. Write the synthesis of Nylon 6, 6 and polyurethane?
13. What is PET? Give its applications.
14. Define rubbers? What are the types of rubber?
15. What is vulcanization? What are the advantages of vulcanization?
16. What is Buna-S? How is it prepared?
17. Give the differences between raw and vulcanized rubber?
18. What are the defects of raw rubber? How can it be rectified?
19. What are composites? What are the advantages of it?
20. What are the two phases of composites?
21. What are the different types of composites?
22. What is FRP? Mention its applications.
23. What is polymer matrix composite?
1. Write a note on addition polymerization. Differentiate it from condensation type.
2. Explain the steps involved in free radical mechanism.
3. Give the preparation, property, uses of PVC, Teflon and Polycarbonate.
4. Give the preparation, property, uses of Polyurethane, PET and nylon 6,6.
5. Differentiate thermo and thermoset plastics.
6. Differentiate engineering and commodity plastics.
7. Explain the mechanism, purpose and importance of vulcanization.
8. Differentiate raw and vulcanized rubber.
9. Explain the process of obtaining rubber from latex. What are the defects of raw rubber?
10. Write a note on any two synthetic rubbers.
11. Give a detailed note on different types of composites?
12. Explain about FRP and their applications.
1. Define adsorption.
2. Differentiate adsorption and absorption.
3. What are adsorbent and adsorbate?
4. Differentiate physisorption and chemisorption.
5. Give any four characteristics of adsorption.
6. What is the effect of pressure, temperature on physisorption and chemisorption.
7. What is positive adsorption? And negative adsorption. Give examples.
8. Define adsorption isotherms.
9. What is Freundlich isotherm? What are the limitations?
10. What are the assumptions of Langmuir adsorption isotherm?
11. List out any four important applications of adsorption.
12. What is homogeneous catalyst? What is heterogeneous catalyst?
13. Why the solid catalyst should be used as a fine powder?
14. What are promoters and catalytic poison?
15. Give two examples for cation and anion exchange resins?
16. What is zeolite process?
17. What are the applications of activated charcoal?
18. What are GAC and PAC?
19. What are the factors affecting adsorption of gases on solid?
20. What are the factors affecting adsorption from solutions?
21. How is arsenic poisoning removed from the body?
1. Differentiate physisorption and chemisorption?
2. Explain the factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids.
3. Explain the factors affecting adsorption of solutes from solutions.
4. What are the five types of isotherms possible? Draw and explain the cases with eg.
5. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
6. Bring out the role of adsorption in heterogeneous catalyst?
7. Explain the principle of adsorption in ion-exchange process of water treatment?
8. What are the common applications of adsorption?
9. How can the pollution be reduced by activated charcoal.
Differentiate nuclear fission and fusion.
Give any four characteristics of fission.
What is multiplication factor?
What is mass defect?
What is a nuclear chain reaction?
Define critical, sub critical and super critical mass.
What is nuclear energy?
Give any one fission reaction; mention the factors that impede the chain reaction.
Define nuclear reactor.
What are the components of a nuclear reactor?
What are moderators in nuclear reactor? What is its role?
What is a breeder reactor?
Mention any four applications of solar energy.
Define thermal conversion and photo conversion with eg.
What are the advantages of non-conventional energy sources than the conventional one?
Write short notes on wind energy.
Define fuel cell. Bring out its two applications.
What are the advantages and drawbacks of solar and wind energy.
What are fissile and fissionable nucleus? Give eg.
What are the reactions involved in oxygen – Hydrogen fuel cell?
What is a battery? What are the basic requirements of a battery?
Differentiate primary and secondary batteries?
What are the advantages of alkaline battery over dry battery?
Li battery is the battery of future – How?
What are the advantages of Li- S battery?
How NICAD battery is constructed?
Write the reactions taking place in an alkaline battery.
What is a nuclear chain reaction? Explain the basic principles and characteristics of it.
Explain light water power plant with a neat sketch.
Explain the significance and working principles of breeder reactor with necessary equations and sketches.
Write an elaborate note on solar energy harnessing and applications.
Write a note on wind energy.
Explain the construction of O2-H2 fuel cells. State itsadvantages?
Explain the principle behind Lead acid accumulator.
What is the basic constructional idea behind NICAD battery?
Give the importance of Lithium battery. Explain the basic principles of it.
1. Define refractories. How can they be classified?
2. Give any four characteristics of refractories.
3. What is refractoriness? How is it measured?
4. What is segar cone test (or) PCE test?
5. What is RUL test?
6. Name the stages in manufacture of refractory?
7. What is porosity of a refractory? How can it be modified?
8. What is thermal spalling? How will you control it?
9. What are the two types of dimension change?
10. Name two refractories which should not be kept in direct contact with fireclay refractory. Why?
11. What are abrasives?
12. What is abrasive powder?
13. What is moh’s scale?
14. How is carborundum prepared?
15. What is norbide? How can it be prepared?
16. Give the applications of garnet and emery.
17. What are the applications of abrasive?
18. How can we classify the abrasives? Give eg for each type.
19. Define lubricant. Classify them.
20. What is flash and fire point.
21. Define viscosity index.
22. Define cloud and pour point.
23. What are pour point depressants? Give eg.
24. What are greases? How can they be classified?
25. What are carbon nanotubes? What are the types?
26. What are nano materials?
27. What is nano chemistry?
28. Write down the synthetic methods to prepare carbon nanotubes.
29. Write any four applications of carbon nano tube.
30. Mention the various forms of SWNT.
1. Classify the refractories. Explain one example for each type.
2. What are the properties of refractory? Explain any three of them.
3. Write notes on alumina, zirconia and magnesite bricks.
4. Write a note on synthetic abrasives.
5. What is your understanding about natural abrasives?
6. How will you explain the mechanism behind the lubrication?
7. Explain any four properties of lubricants?
8. How can you classify lubricants? Explain.
9. Write notes on solid lubricants.
10. Bring out the important applications of CNT.
11. Write a note on structure and synthesis of CNT.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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