Friday, November 11, 2011
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Define a computer.
What is GIGO?
What is diligence?
Define Versatility.
Give the full form of ENIAC, EDVAC.
Give the full form of EDSAC, UNIVAC.
What are the advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes?
State any four characteristics of first generation computers.
State any four characteristics of second generation computers.
State any four characteristics of third generation computers.
State any four characteristics of fourth generation computers.
State any four characteristics of fifth generation computers.
Define an IC.
What is a transistor?
Give the full form of LSI, VLSI, ULSI, and SLSI.
What are the advantages of micro computers and mini computers over mainframes?
Describe the largest computer of the computer family.
Explain the second largest computer of the computer family.
Which computer is known as PC?
Which computer is known as notebook? Why?
Which computer is known as palmtop? Why?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of science & education?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of medicine & health care?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of Engineering & entertainment?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of communication & banking?
What are the advantages of secondary storage over primary storage?
What are the functions performed by Input unit?
What are the functions performed by output unit?
What are the functions performed by control unit?
What are the functions performed by storage unit?
What are the functions performed by arithmetic and logic unit?
What is CPU? What are the subsystems in it?
Define software. What are the categories of software?
What is system software?
What is an operating system? Give one eg.
What are device drivers?
Differentiate between machine language and high level language.
Difference between compiler and interpreter.
What are system utility programs?
What is application software? List out some of the application software.
List out any four features of word processors. Give one eg.
List out any four features of spreadsheets. Give one eg.
List out any four features of image editors. Give one eg.
List out any four features of DBMS. Give one eg.
List out any four features of presentation applications. Give one eg.
List out any four features of desktop publishing software. Give one eg.
Define public domain software.
What is freeware?
Explain donationware & postcardware.
Explain abandonware & Adware.
What is shareware?
What is commercial software?
What is open source software?
Difference between open source software and closed source software.
What is proprietary software?
What is a firmware?
Define software piracy.
Enumerate the steps involved in program development cycle.
What is a base of number system?
What is a radix of number system?
Determine the binary equivalent of (36)10
Determine the octal equivalent of (359)10
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (5112)10
Determine the decimal equivalent of (11010)2
Determine the decimal equivalent of (456)8
Determine the decimal equivalent of (B14)16
Determine the octal equivalent of (10111)2
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (11001011)2
Determine the binary equivalent of (231)8
Determine the binary equivalent of (5AF)16
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (2327)8
Determine the octal equivalent of (2B6)16
Perform binary addition for the numbers 1010 & 1111
Subtract the binary number 101 from 1111
What is the ones complement of 1010?
subtract 1010 from 1000 using ones complement method
What is the twos complement of 1010?
subtract 1010 from 1000 using twos complement method
What is 9’s complement of a number?
What is 10’s complement of a number?
With a neat block diagram explain the basic organization of a computer and list out the functions performed by each unit.
Discuss important features of various generations of computer system. Give some examples of computers for each generation.
Explain the classification of computers in detail.
Describe the evolution of computers.
Explain the importance of system software for a computer system. List out the features of some of the most commonly known types of system software.
What is application software? Describe briefly some of the most commonly known types of application software.
Explain the steps involved in software development.
What is the internet? How did it evolve?
In what manner is e-mail similar to postal mail service? In what manner are the two different from each other?
List out some of the advantages & disadvantages of e-mail service against telephone service?
Explain the difference between “downloading” and “uploading “of information.
What is ARPANET?
What is USENET?
What is a newsgroup? How is it useful?
What is hypertext? How is it useful?
Explain a typical structure of URL.
What is the use of telnet service offered by internet?
What is FTP?
Define the terms online and offline.
What are the 5 elements that are common to all video conferencing endpoint?
Give the full form of FTP, WWW, HTML, HTTP, URL, TCP/IP, ISDN, and DSL.
Describe the following terms with respect to the internet
Web server
Web browser
Index page
Name some of the basic services provided by the internet. Explain how each of these services helps the internet users.
Describe the evolution of internet in detail.
Why is it advisable to plan the logic of a program before writing it?
Define an algorithm. What are the characteristics necessary for a sequence of instructions to qualify as an algorithm?
What is a flowchart?
What are the various basic symbols used in flowcharting? Give their pictorial representation.
Describe the function of various basic flowcharting symbols.
List out any some of the guidelines used for preparing flowcharts.
What are the benefits of flowcharts?
What are the limitations of flowcharts?
Define a pseudocode.
List out any some of the guidelines used for writing pseudocode.
What are the benefits of pseudocode?
What are the limitations of pseudocode?
What are control structures?
What are the three basic logic structures used in writing structured programs? Discuss the use of each.
What is a sequence control structure?
What is a selection control structure?
What is a repetition control structure?
What is application software?
What is a word processing package? List out some of the key features supported by modern word processing packages.
What is a spreadsheet package? List out some of the key features supported by spreadsheet packages.
What is an image editor? Give example.
What is DBMS? Give example.
What is the use of presentation applications? Give example.
What is desktop publishing software? Give example.
Write the algorithm, draw the flowchart, and write the pseudocode for the following.
To find the area of a rectangle
To find the area of a circle
To find the circumference of a circle
To find the centigrade value for the corresponding Farenheit value
To find the Farenheit value for the corresponding centigrade value
To find the sum and product of two given values
To find whether the given year is leap year or not
To find the largest of two numbers
To find the largest of three numbers
To find whether the given no is positive or not
To find whether the given no is odd or even
To find the factorial of a given no
To find the sum of all the digits in a given no
To find whether the given no is Armstrong or not
To find the reverse of a given no
To calculate 1+2+3+……n
To calculate 12+22+32+….+n2
Write a C program to find the sum of two numbers.
Write a C program to find the average of three float numbers.
Write a C program to swap two numbers using third variable.
Write a C program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable.
Write a C program to find the area and circumference of a circle.
Write a C program to find the biggest of two numbers using ternary operator.
Write a C program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit.
Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade.
Write a C program to calculate the simple interest.
Write a C program to find the area of a rectangle.
Define a computer.
What is GIGO?
What is diligence?
Define Versatility.
Give the full form of ENIAC, EDVAC.
Give the full form of EDSAC, UNIVAC.
What are the advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes?
State any four characteristics of first generation computers.
State any four characteristics of second generation computers.
State any four characteristics of third generation computers.
State any four characteristics of fourth generation computers.
State any four characteristics of fifth generation computers.
Define an IC.
What is a transistor?
Give the full form of LSI, VLSI, ULSI, and SLSI.
What are the advantages of micro computers and mini computers over mainframes?
Describe the largest computer of the computer family.
Explain the second largest computer of the computer family.
Which computer is known as PC?
Which computer is known as notebook? Why?
Which computer is known as palmtop? Why?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of science & education?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of medicine & health care?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of Engineering & entertainment?
How the computers can be used effectively in the field of communication & banking?
What are the advantages of secondary storage over primary storage?
What are the functions performed by Input unit?
What are the functions performed by output unit?
What are the functions performed by control unit?
What are the functions performed by storage unit?
What are the functions performed by arithmetic and logic unit?
What is CPU? What are the subsystems in it?
Define software. What are the categories of software?
What is system software?
What is an operating system? Give one eg.
What are device drivers?
Differentiate between machine language and high level language.
Difference between compiler and interpreter.
What are system utility programs?
What is application software? List out some of the application software.
List out any four features of word processors. Give one eg.
List out any four features of spreadsheets. Give one eg.
List out any four features of image editors. Give one eg.
List out any four features of DBMS. Give one eg.
List out any four features of presentation applications. Give one eg.
List out any four features of desktop publishing software. Give one eg.
Define public domain software.
What is freeware?
Explain donationware & postcardware.
Explain abandonware & Adware.
What is shareware?
What is commercial software?
What is open source software?
Difference between open source software and closed source software.
What is proprietary software?
What is a firmware?
Define software piracy.
Enumerate the steps involved in program development cycle.
What is a base of number system?
What is a radix of number system?
Determine the binary equivalent of (36)10
Determine the octal equivalent of (359)10
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (5112)10
Determine the decimal equivalent of (11010)2
Determine the decimal equivalent of (456)8
Determine the decimal equivalent of (B14)16
Determine the octal equivalent of (10111)2
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (11001011)2
Determine the binary equivalent of (231)8
Determine the binary equivalent of (5AF)16
Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (2327)8
Determine the octal equivalent of (2B6)16
Perform binary addition for the numbers 1010 & 1111
Subtract the binary number 101 from 1111
What is the ones complement of 1010?
subtract 1010 from 1000 using ones complement method
What is the twos complement of 1010?
subtract 1010 from 1000 using twos complement method
What is 9’s complement of a number?
What is 10’s complement of a number?
With a neat block diagram explain the basic organization of a computer and list out the functions performed by each unit.
Discuss important features of various generations of computer system. Give some examples of computers for each generation.
Explain the classification of computers in detail.
Describe the evolution of computers.
Explain the importance of system software for a computer system. List out the features of some of the most commonly known types of system software.
What is application software? Describe briefly some of the most commonly known types of application software.
Explain the steps involved in software development.
What is the internet? How did it evolve?
In what manner is e-mail similar to postal mail service? In what manner are the two different from each other?
List out some of the advantages & disadvantages of e-mail service against telephone service?
Explain the difference between “downloading” and “uploading “of information.
What is ARPANET?
What is USENET?
What is a newsgroup? How is it useful?
What is hypertext? How is it useful?
Explain a typical structure of URL.
What is the use of telnet service offered by internet?
What is FTP?
Define the terms online and offline.
What are the 5 elements that are common to all video conferencing endpoint?
Give the full form of FTP, WWW, HTML, HTTP, URL, TCP/IP, ISDN, and DSL.
Describe the following terms with respect to the internet
Web server
Web browser
Index page
Name some of the basic services provided by the internet. Explain how each of these services helps the internet users.
Describe the evolution of internet in detail.
Why is it advisable to plan the logic of a program before writing it?
Define an algorithm. What are the characteristics necessary for a sequence of instructions to qualify as an algorithm?
What is a flowchart?
What are the various basic symbols used in flowcharting? Give their pictorial representation.
Describe the function of various basic flowcharting symbols.
List out any some of the guidelines used for preparing flowcharts.
What are the benefits of flowcharts?
What are the limitations of flowcharts?
Define a pseudocode.
List out any some of the guidelines used for writing pseudocode.
What are the benefits of pseudocode?
What are the limitations of pseudocode?
What are control structures?
What are the three basic logic structures used in writing structured programs? Discuss the use of each.
What is a sequence control structure?
What is a selection control structure?
What is a repetition control structure?
What is application software?
What is a word processing package? List out some of the key features supported by modern word processing packages.
What is a spreadsheet package? List out some of the key features supported by spreadsheet packages.
What is an image editor? Give example.
What is DBMS? Give example.
What is the use of presentation applications? Give example.
What is desktop publishing software? Give example.
Write the algorithm, draw the flowchart, and write the pseudocode for the following.
To find the area of a rectangle
To find the area of a circle
To find the circumference of a circle
To find the centigrade value for the corresponding Farenheit value
To find the Farenheit value for the corresponding centigrade value
To find the sum and product of two given values
To find whether the given year is leap year or not
To find the largest of two numbers
To find the largest of three numbers
To find whether the given no is positive or not
To find whether the given no is odd or even
To find the factorial of a given no
To find the sum of all the digits in a given no
To find whether the given no is Armstrong or not
To find the reverse of a given no
To calculate 1+2+3+……n
To calculate 12+22+32+….+n2
Write a C program to find the sum of two numbers.
Write a C program to find the average of three float numbers.
Write a C program to swap two numbers using third variable.
Write a C program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable.
Write a C program to find the area and circumference of a circle.
Write a C program to find the biggest of two numbers using ternary operator.
Write a C program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit.
Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade.
Write a C program to calculate the simple interest.
Write a C program to find the area of a rectangle.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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